Page 25 - Splendid
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                The Hare and the Tortoise                                                       CHAPTER

                                                                       About the  the ChapterChapter the Chapter
                                                                       About the ChapterAbout the ChapterAbout the Chapter
                   Learn and Fun                                        In this chapter we shall study how a
                   Learn and Fun
                   Learn and Fun
                   Learn and Fun
                   Learn and Fun
                   Learn and Fun
                                                                         tortoise won the race.
                  Identify the given pictures.
                                                                            Think           DiscussDiscuss Discuss
                                                                            Think and Discuss and Discuss and Discuss
                                                                            Think  andandThink and
                                                                             Nothing comes easily; continuous
                                                                              effort gives us success.

             Once there was a speedy
             hare who bragged

             about how fast he could
             run. Tired of hearing his

             boast, a tortoise

             challenged him to
             a race. All the animals

             in the forest
             gathered to watch.

             The hare ran down the
             road for a while and

             after some time, he
             paused to rest.

             He looked back at the tortoise and cried out,  How do you expect to win this race when
             you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?

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